When you join Business Hunter, you join a network of more than 3,500 businesses across the Hunter Valley.

You receive priority, discounted or free access to our comprehensive program of business events, business advice and advice line and enjoy the shared benefits of our advocacy on behalf of business in the region.

Business Hunter champions projects and initiatives to advance the interests of our region. We engage closely with government through strong and effective advocacy that puts the Hunter’s business, economic and social priorities at front of mind.  

Members of the Business Hunter also benefit from our associate organisations Business NSW and My Business.

My Business provides support to members to help them do business better. The My Business website has a host of free business advice, tools and templates which all of our members can access. This includes the comprehensive Business Guide to Coronavirus, which is updated daily.
Business Hunter's Policy and Advocacy team works closely with our policy colleagues in Business NSW to ensure the interests of business are heard by government. Our strong links into government are proving more important now than ever, as decision makers move quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hunter First is an influential network of businesses and organisations with a significant presence, interest or stake in the Hunter region. The Firsts are a collaborative, executive-level membership group who come together to network, share ideas, hear from government leaders and industry experts, and advocate for common goals. Hunter First members enjoy exclusive opportunities for networking, engagement and representation.

Business NSW


Business Insights is a new membership service purposefully built for owners and leaders who want to understand how the business landscape will affect their operations now and into the future.

The ability to make informed decisions in an environment of constant change and disruption is a key element to business resilience and Business Insights has been designed to provide leaders with the confidence to navigate headwinds.

Business Insights will help leaders:

  • Understand how changes affecting the business landscape will impact their everyday operations.
  • Get jargon-free plain English insights to help them manage the best outcome for their people and business.
  • Contribute to an advocacy platform that Business NSW will use to fight for a positive difference to business. 

Read more about Business Insights

Your friends at Business Hunter


We love to hear from our members, the media and business owners in the area.

Phone: (02) 9466 4665 or email: info@businesshunter.com